Medicaid Applications

Medicaid Applications

In putting together a plan to protect assets from long-term care costs, we regularly file Medicaid applications with the Department of Social Services to obtain Medicaid benefits for your loved one to pay for nursing home care costs.  Since there is currently a five year "look-back" period for skilled nursing home Medicaid, we can help obtain all of the documentation and financial records necessary to file with the Department of Social Services.  We will then deal with the assigned caseworker at the County to ensure that the Medicaid application is approved, while helping you protect paying all of your assets to a nursing home.

Even if your loved one is currently in a nursing home, it is never too late to protect money.  Call us today to discuss what can be done to protect your assets.

Contact Us Today 

Learn more about the benefits of planning for long-term care by contacting the team at Smith Vavonese LLP. We will help you put together a plan that meets all of your future goals. Call us to schedule a consultation. If long-term care insurance is the right decision for you, we can help you determine this too. 
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